The New York Chapter

The New York Chapter will host to the 2019 National Conclave in Tarrytown, New York.


Dear Girl Friends,

We are bursting at the seams with pride for the visionary leadership that our New York Girl Friends demonstrated in 1927 as they laid the groundwork for our wonderful organization. The New York Chapter is dedicating our 2019 Conclave in honor of the legacy of Eunice Shreeves, our Founder. As we count down to 2027, 8 years from now, we will commemorate over 100 years as the New York Chapter of Girl Friends. What a Centennial! What a party!

And speaking of a party, let’s all get in a New York State of Mind celebrating iconic New York City landmarks and institutions as illustrated through our conclave artwork and executed in our conclave activities. Thursday night we’ll bring you a touch of Sweet Harlem; Friday night we’ll get casual with the flavor of Central Park and let’s go to Broadway on Saturday night! And in between everything we’ll sprinkle in a little New York flavor.

We are honored to host and entertain you as we celebrate our joyous friendships. By the end of Conclave 2019 you will join us in saying, “Mission Accomplished.”

See you soon!

GF Chrystie Boucree Price
New York Chapter President

GF Paulette Murphy
National Vice President

GF Benita Shobe
2019 Conclave Chairperson

New York Chapter Officers

Gwen Blount Adolph Blair Ecton Farrell Redwine-Downing*
Brittney Allen Melanie Edwards Dana Reed
Rae Allen Caroline Taylor Ellerson* Inez Richardson
Dolores Barclay Cheryl Finley Orchid Richardson
Toni DesVerney Bennett** Tiffany Gardner Karen Sanders
Gayle Spaulding Bostic** Deborah Cuffey Jackson Anne Simmons Scott
Wendy Simmons Brannen** Tracey Brown James Brenda Scott
Gay Bullock Dora Day Johnston** Karen Selsey
Yvonne Cambridge* Nancy Riddick Jordan* Benita Shobe
Lisa Cambridge-Mitchell Cecelia Lane-Roberts** Gwendolyn Dale Simmons
Alexis Clark Robin C. McKinney Joann Cameron Skeete**
Joann Collins* Paulette Murphy Konnetta Putnam Sparks**
Jocelyn Cooley Paula James Nailor Phyllis Murphy Stevenson
Ursula Parrish Daniels Denise Perry Grant Kevia Taylor Sullivan
Kathie Davidson Danyale Price Danna Wood Webb
Elizabeth Early* Gladys Redhead** Audraine Wilson
*Member at Large
** Member Emeritus